Wednesday, August 27, 2008


In late Spring, we went with some friends to the biggest mountain in the Seoul area. It was only a 30 minute subway ride and a 20 minute taxi drive away.
I guess we could have mentioned before that a name ending in "san" means mountain. So Songnisan, Bukhansan, Suraksan, Jilisan, Hallasan, and Seoraksan are all mountains that you will see about eventually.

On top: Ricky, Tiff, Sean from Korea, and Shawn from Newfoundland
Bottom: Sunny Cho and Russell Young

We stopped at a little pagoda to sit down for a bit and eat oranges and flavorless, crunchy rice chips. It was in the mountain, so we had a nice view.

Right next to the pagoda was a giant sitting Buddha. They do appreciate the Buddha in Korea. This one wasn't asking for money, though. He was praying
(to himself, maybe?!?). 


It was a good day, outside of the city.

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